We subscribe to the RICS Home Survey templates which enable us to enter survey findings to fixed report templates.
Previously referred to as the RICS Condition Report. The Level 1 Report is aimed at smaller, simpler and modern properties which are deemed to be in reasonable condition. As a result the survey findings are briefer and to the point.
Previously referred to as the RICS Homebuyers Report. The Level 2 Report will entail a more detailed inspection, including expanding the inspection to enclosed spaces where safely accessible and to establish the extent and cause of specific defects, with the report findings being more detailed over the Level 1 Report.
Previously referred to as the RICS Building Survey Report. The Level 3 Report is aimed at large, older properties considered to be in poor condition, or a property that is unusual or altered or planned for refurbishment, extension or other adaptations. The inspection is more detailed than the Level 2 inspection, and will gather survey data relating to the cause of specific defects where possible and suitable remedial works. Comment will also be made on the energy efficiency of the external fabric, and installed electrical, hot water, heating and ventilation services.
Where detailing the findings from a survey of a property for whatever reason does not suit the above RICS survey templates, a bespoke Schedule of Condition can be prepared to describe the condition of specific areas of a property and to omit property data not deemed critical to the prospective purchaser